Genomics Partners

light blue illustrations of a lock and sheild, a petri dish, a test tube and a strand of DNA connected by a dotted rectangle with animated figures in center.

Genome Centers

The All of Us genome centers will generate genomic data from biosamples contributed by participants. Some of the centers will also analyze the data for genetic results to be returned responsibly to participants.


Award Date: September 21, 2019

Funding Opportunity: OT-PM-18-002

Award Date: September 25, 2018

Funding Opportunity: OT-PM-18-002 

Genetic Counseling Resource

The All of Us genetic counseling resource will provide a network of genetic counselors to help participants understand what their genomic results mean for their health and their families.

Awardee: Color, Burlingame, California

Award Date: August 20, 2019

Funding Opportunity: OT-PM-19-001